“When I hear Britta play, I hear a connected soul who’s able to communicate through the touch and sound of the piano. Her trio is in sync with this sensitivity and together, they create a highly dynamic and satisfying listening experience” - Kurt Rosenwinkel
"I really recommend listening to pianist Britta Virves´debut album Juniper. I have no professional business with this whatsoever. I simply think it´s music that really deserves to be heard. Plain, honest, colorful and warm." "...one of the most beautiful albums of the year!" - Michael Gottfried (ACT)
"...A few music creators have managed to achieve a balance between linguistic brilliance, emotional charge and genuine trust. Britta Virves belongs to this rare crowd and “Juniper” is a wonderful manifestation of her rhetorical ability. Carefully and patiently created stories that rarely follow the expected path. You simply cannot stop listening.”
– Joakim Milder (Swedish Grammy-nominated saxophonist, composer and arranger, Golden Disc 2022 winner and artistic director of Norrbotten Big Band)